
Monday, October 24, 2011

Setting DNS Server di Ubuntu

When using the internet, then it implies that we use DNS (Domain Name System). The main function of this control system is to translate host names into IP numbers (IP address) or vice versa so that the name is easily remembered by Internet users. System control also serves to provide information about a host to the entire Internet network. About how the DNS Server itself will not be discussed in this article but the way its setting alone secaara simple.

1. Installing Bind

Software that is widely used as a DNS server is Bind. Of course we must first install this application.

# Sudo apt-get install bind9

Next install again the next package, namely dnsutils

# Sudo apt-get install dnsutils

2.The next step, ie edit the Ethernet card that will be used later.

# Nano / etc / network / interfaces

Select the Ethernet to be used for example eth0 with ip DNS Servers it. The contents also his netmask and gateway.

3. Then edit the file / etc / bind / named.conf.options

# Nano / etc / bind / named.conf.options

Remove the "/ /" and enter DNS Server ip the same as before.

4.  Next, edit the file / etc / bind / named.conf.local

# Nano / etc / bind / named.conf.local

Here the DNS server is named Correction on the setting of the second zone, which is on file "/ etc/bind/db.192"; not a file "/ etc/bind/db.44";.

5. The next step by adding the file / etc / bind / db.local into the directory / etc / bind /

# Cp / etc / bind / db.local / etc / bind /

Then edit the files you have added earlier

# Nano / etc / bind /

Here only name server is loaded and also the DNS server ip alone that could have also added to mailserver, ftp server or the other.

6.The next step is almost the same as the previous step by adding the file / etc/bind/db.127 into the directory / etc/bind/db.192

# Cp / etc/bind/db.127 / etc/bind/db.192

Then edit the files you have added earlier

# Nano / etc/bind/db.192

7. Then edit the file / etc / resolv.conf

# Nano / etc / resolv.conf

8. Then again edit the file / etc / hosts file to add the host computer information.

# Nano / etc / hosts

9. The final step to restart the services that have been in previous settings.

# / Etc/init.d/bind9 restart

# / Etc / init.d / networking restart

10. After all the settings then the live test DNS server is already running.


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