class Helloworld extends Controller {
function Helloworld()
function index()
$data = $this->helloworld_model->data();
Remember the naming class must use capital letters at the beginning.
The script $ this-> load-> model ('helloworld_model') is used to access files named helloworld_model model.
The script $ data = $ this-> helloworld_model-> data (); used to call the function data () that existed at helloworld_model. Function has a return value that was then in the capacity into the variable $ data.
The script $ this-> load-> view ('output', $ data); used to call the view that output is accompanied by a variable named $ data in it.
4.Buatlah a model file and name it helloworld_model.php and place it in a folder system / application / models. Fill the file is as follows:
class Helloworld_model extends Model {
function Helloworld_model()
function data()
$data['test'] = 'Hello World !!';
return $data;
5.Make a view file and name it output.php and place it in a folder system / application / view. Fill the file is as follows:
<title>Hello World !!</title>
6. Please access your browser eg http://localhost/CodeIgniter/
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